The AH-64E Apache Guardian is a modern attack helicopter developed by Boeing

The AH-64E Apache Guardian is a modern attack helicopter developed by Boeing. It is an upgraded version of the AH-64D Apache Longbow. The AH-64E features improved avionics, radar systems, and weapons capabilities compared to its predecessors.

Some key features and upgrades of the AH-64E Apache Guardian include:

Avionics: The AH-64E is equipped with advanced avionics systems, including a fully-integrated glass cockpit and improved sensors for target acquisition and tracking.
Fire Control Radar: It features a Longbow fire control radar system, which enables the helicopter to detect and engage targets at extended ranges, even in adverse weather conditions.
Weapons: The Apache Guardian can carry a wide range of weapons, including Hellfire missiles, Hydra rockets, and a 30mm chain gun. It also has the capability to integrate other advanced munitions for various mission requirements.
Communications: Upgraded communication systems enhance interoperability with other aircraft and ground forces, facilitating better coordination in joint operations.
Survivability: The AH-64E incorporates various survivability enhancements, such as improved armor protection and countermeasures systems to defend against threats like missiles and small arms fire.
Performance: It boasts improved performance characteristics, including greater speed, agility, and endurance compared to previous models.
Versatility: The Apache Guardian is designed to perform a variety of missions, including close air support, armed reconnaissance, anti-tank warfare, and escort missions.

Overall, the AH-64E Apache Guardian is a highly capable and versatile attack helicopter that provides critical support to ground forces and carries out a wide range of combat missions with precision and effectiveness.
