‘Sister Wives’ Meri Gets Dissed At Brown Family ‘Reunion’

Many Sister Wives fans think that the family has been treating Meri Brown particularly poorly this season. It’s no secret that Kody Brown is completely finished with his first wife. However, other members of the family have been unkind to Meri too.

After watching recent episodes, many fans find the bad treatment hard to watch. But which moment in particular sparked a huge conversation this week?

Keep reading to get the scoop.

Meri Brown stays silent about Sister Wives drama with children

Many Sister Wives cast members such as Mykelti Padron and Christine Brown publicly stated they don’t get along with Meri. But for the most part, Meri has remained silent about the way other family members treat her.

After this week’s episode, many fans found the situation incredibly confusing and frustrating. Other family members continue to berate Meri, so why doesn’t she speak up for herself?

“So Mykelti, Christine and Kody commented on Meri’s absence from the Zoom call, but Meri didn’t address it in a talking head or anywhere else…” a Redditor shared on the platform after the new episode premiered. “I want to hear from her about that relationship and why she thinks she wasn’t included. It was so frustrating to cut to her and not have her address it at all!!”

“Meri has stated on FWF that she will never talk about the kids, even now when they are adults. She is not going to cross that bridge,” another Reddit user replied, referencing the Sister Wives star’s social media segment.

Many other Redditors replied and said they didn’t realize that was a boundary Meri had set. However, many felt proud of her and respected her for drawing that line. Sadly, that decision hasn’t been mutual for other members of the Sister Wives cast.

Fans are tired of the anti-Meri storylines

As the discussion continued, Sister Wives fans agreed that the family continued to diss Meri without much rhyme or reason. In fact, many seemed to think the entire plot for the season was about destroying her character.

“Meri is the ‘villain’ according to this family’s collective narrative. I have no issue with Mykelti drawing boundary lines as she seems to now remember Meri being ‘verbally abusive,’” another Reddit user wrote. “In this episode however, I found it extremely childish to host a family Zoom call which was seemingly used a plot device. 1) force others to cross their boundary lines (Gabe and Kody for example) and call people out for family unity and 2) simultaneously, publicly exclude Meri.”

Do you think the Browns treated Meri poorly over the past few weeks? What do you have to say about other Sister Wives fans’ comments? Leave your own opinions in the comments.